Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Last weekend I was in Seagrove Beach, FL with other singles from my church for our annual Beach Retreat. We have been coming to Highpointe Resort the last several years. As much as I absolutely love sitting on the beach, digging my feet in the sand, and listening to the waves crashing in to shore, when I come to this particular place, I do something I rarely do at other resorts or hotels at the beach. I actually spend more time at the pool than the beach.

This place has the most beautiful and relaxing pool I have ever seen. It winds around through two "islands" and several waterfalls.
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  1. Lovely beach and hotel pool picture. CL really have the coolest looking beaches.

  2. I haven't seen anything so gorgeous in a long time!

  3. Wow... wht a beautiful place... Where is it...???


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