Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless/Wordful Wednesday - Will I Ever Pass This Way Again?

sorry for the spacing--it didnt show that way in my preview and I cant fix it!
Just a visual to see the distance between Alabama and Azerbaijan

This is a road I walked along in March of 2009. Now I am sitting on my couch 6700 miles away--a whole world away, wondering if I will ever walk down that road again.

Will I ever see the smiling faces of all the wonderful people I met while I was there?

Of all the fun I had even though I could not speak the language of my new friends and they knew very little of mine except for "thank you" and "my name is....." which they liked to practice often.

Will I ever see our wonderful hostess, who allowed us to stay with her even at great risk. A risk that made itself evident while we were there.

I may not ever see our amazing translator and friend again, in this lifetime, but she will always have a very special place in my heart and memory.
And of course I wont ever forget this amazing person. An excellent teacher. Full of joy and a pretty good bit of spunk too! She is one of many examples I saw on my trip of someone who lives their faith daily and will sacrafice all for that faith.

Ok--and of course-it would be fun to be around the table again with these wonderful people. Always a great meal. And a never-ending supply of chai (tea), which is a symbol of hospitality in Azerbaijan.

Why am I smiling? I guess cause I got caught doing the dishes. It was very hard to get someone to allow me to help around there! For some reason, I didnt mind doing the dishes there like I do at home. I guess that is why my sink is full!

See More Wordless/Wordful Wednesday posts here:

The chronicles of my Ordinary and Awesome life, family, and thoughts at Ordinary and Awesome is also the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.


  1. Must have been a wonderful and interesting experience.

  2. Isn't it wonderful how experiences that can be made to feel like a dream after time passes can touch our lives in so many ways.

  3. Yes it was a wonderful experience. And yes-Night Owl Mama, sometimes those experiences do seem like a dream!

    Thank you both for stopping by and leaving a comment.


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